Cycling from Strasbourg, France to Luneville, France
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Cycling from Strasbourg, France to Luneville, France

 Near the Col du Donon.jpg (31673 bytes)A pleasant Sunday morning as I left the comfort of the Strasbourg hostel and headed out of town on the D392 out past the airport toward Molsheim. I left so early it seemed like everyone was asleep as the suburbs fell behind. The D392 continued to Schirmeck and the up to the Col du Donon (718m). This was a beautiful climb on a beautiful day, with very special air at the top.

On the downstroke, I stuck with the D392 until Bionville, then struck off on the D992 through Badonviller towards Montigny and Ogéviller.

I knew there was no hostel on the route, so

was lucky when I rolled into Luneville on the Sunday afternoon and secured a chambre with petit dejeuner at the Hotel de l'Pont (since renamed the Hotel du Commerce). Cost with dinner $14.78.

Hotel du Commerce
93 rue d'Alsace